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What's the Difference Between Gas Plumbers and Gas Fitters?

While all gas fitters are plumbers, not all plumbers are gas fitters. Gas fitting is an additional certification and requires specialised training. This is because gas fitting is very different from your everyday plumbing, and requires additional attention to detail and safety procedures. Gasfitters must learn about gas line pressure, the effects of heat on pipes and materials, how to address mechanical issues like stopping air leaks in pipe joints, gas appliances and vent systems. We are both plumbers and gas fitters, meaning our team can handle any gas plumbing job and deliver great results.

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What's the Difference Between Gas Plumbers and Gas Fitters?
Mr Rhino Plumbers

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Trading Hours

Standard Trading Hours
Monday - Saturday
6:00am - 8:00pm
Sundays and after hours emergency service available on request.

24 Hr, 7 Day Emergency Service


Contact Us

Rhino Plumbing & Drainage Pty. Ltd.
BLUESTONE INDUSTRIAL ESTATE Factory E21, 20 Picrite Close,
Pemulwuy NSW 2145
Office:  (02) 9688 5118
Mobile: 0404 472 252
Licence: 292681C
ABN: 12 609 001 943
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